September 24, 2009

tagged from sis Rahma

thanks 4 da tagged sis Rahma
so..ak pun merajin menjawap tag nih..the we need to follow the rules..

here are the rules:

1. link to the person that tagged you and post the rules in your blog
2. share Raya facts about yourself
3. tag random people at the end of their post and include links to their blog
4. let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment in their blog

1. Fav hari raya song...
named the singer and title of the song... find the song in youtube and post it here. sing along to the song as you answer the rest of the questions...

lagu raya fav ak..

2. Happiest memory of hari raya
when my dead still alive... i luv him so much..pray for him ( Al-Fatihah )

3. Saddest hari raya
bile sambut hari raya tanpa ayah ( since raya 1996 )

4. worst hari raya habit
makan lemang+tv+makan lontong+tv+yg penting makanla..haha
naik badan..ngee~~

5. Fav kuih raya
almond london n tart nenas

6. fav thing to eat during raya
huh..kuah kacang my mum :)

7. a must have during hari raya
my family wit ayah :(

8. normal first hari raya activities
kemas rumah, masukkan kueh dlm balang,mandi sunat hari raya,
bersalaman,kenduri arwah...last layan sanak saudara..

9. mail or email-s raya card
email..mmg melambak kasi kat org..termasuk e-card raya :)

10. fav raya movies
huh..setiap kali raya..semua cite best :)

11. when do you start shopping raya
bile2 mase tak kire la nk raye ke tak..hehehe

12. duit raya... a must have or not?

kena la ade..sian bdk2..p bile makin dewasa..duit raye kurang

p/s: sesiapa yg rajin nak jawap tagged nih..silakan..


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