March 30, 2009


:simerah4: Need ur opinion about my dress up going to work..
:simerah4: comment taw.. either ok or x..
:simerah4: klu ok kenape..n xok sbb per..
:simerah4: i need honest comment :)
:simerah4: nana as asst engineer

March 26, 2009

Miss u deAR..

Hari nih..aku teringat kat someone..
erti persahabatan bagi aku..sangat berharga..
bile kite hilang die..mcm kite hilang sesuatu..
disebabkan mulut org..aku gaduh ngan die..
skunk org yg wat mulut tu..
mmg ak benci gileeer..
acah2 baik mampus la..
jgn ingat ko pakai tudung..ko bagus..

if diberi peluang..aku nak antar die time die futher study kat UK..
ak nak bersama ngan die before die pegi..
nak berborak..
sampai x ingat dunia..huhuhu..
i really miss wit our memories...

March 24, 2009

tag from felly

To Felly..nana jawap tag felly..p nana da lupe yg mane satu..sory dear..
nana wat jer yg nana rase..nana nak jawap..
once again..sory dear..

Rules :
1. anda dikehendaki mgambil 3 pic di bhgian mke..
2. pastikan di crop
3. setiap satu pic hnya bole menampakkn 1@2 anggota sahaja
4. huraikan sikit tentang pic tuh
5. tag sape je asal lebih dr 5 0rg

:22: ni pic yg original..before kene crop..hehehe

:22: first crop is :
:boy9: mata.. ku mempunyai mata yg bulat..
cantik ke..??

:22: second crop is :

:boy9: hidung dan mulut.. lihat la..hidung dan mulut ku..

:22: third a.k.a lastly is :

:boy9: pipi ku yg gebu.. :)
n tahi lalat yg dua tu..mesti org kenal..
klu tgk tahi lalat tu.. hahahaha

:001: last sekali..thanks to felly sbb tag nana..
gue malas mau tag org..huhuhuhuhu


happyy-stop Sahabat.. bagi korg.. ape maksud sahabat..??
happyy-stop Bagi Nana..sahabat tu lebih dari segalanya..
happyy-stop Bukan senang nk cari kawan dikala kite susah..
happyy-stop klu tuk suka-suki..mmg ramai..
happyy-stop if korang ade kwn yg always ade time korg susah..
happyy-stop N sekarang korg bermasalah ngan die..
happyy-stop pegi r cari die..
happyy-stop juz give a kol..if die xnk angkat..
happyy-stop leave a msg..if no respon..
happyy-stop Bagi die mase tuk terima semua nih..

happyy-stop Sayangila sahabat kite..
happyy-stop i'm always miss my lovely friends..

happyy-stop mastura happyy-stop ili happyy-stop kak nina happyy-stop dewi happyy-stop
happyy-stop syira happyy-stop sarah happyy-stop nana happyy-stop nadya happyy-stop kaklang happyy-stop
happyy-stop and to all my friends..yg m'anggap aku nih sahabat happyy-stop


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